You just described... me.

PS: I don't have answers, only questions and doubts. I've started reading Art & Fear book and is describes... me. It's soothing, but I would lie if I'd say that I found solutions.

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You captured these emotions so well. This piece of writing alone is really raw, honest, and beautiful. I’ve held so many insecurities in my work and I think it’s a feeling that ebs and flows in and out of creative practice.

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Thank you for your honesty and rawness, Lyly! I can resonate with so many of the things you have written. I’ve been a writer for many years. As of this year, I started making sculptures and paintings, and it’s been a hell of a journey 😩 so many insecurities, feelings of not being good enough, comparisons, fear and anxiety crept up and still creeping up. It helps me so much to read and listen to other artists experiencing similar struggles. I know it’s not easy to be honest about our struggles in a public space, but it’s very much appreciated and can be so helpful for other people

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Very poignant piece. I think so many artists relate to what you've said especially this: "I'm in my painting and I wish I could just let them do the talking for me." Our art both reveals us and conceals us (sometimes even to ourselves!)

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So raw, honest and relatable. I loved what you said about art being all around us and it’s impossible for us to know if these artists are confident or struggle with emotions such as anxiety and worthiness as well. It makes us somehow less alone in our struggles. Thank you for being so open about something I believe more people are going through than we might be aware of. This really got me thinking of where I’m hiding as well 🌻

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